
Time is money

One thing that has surprised me in the feedback I’ve got from my clients is how having the right brand photos actually improves their productivity in their business.

If you’ve been following me for a while, you probably know that I’m anti-hustle. Hard work doing something I’m passionate about? Yes! Hustle & burnout? Hell no.

I want to do more, but with more ease and less stress. (I know that sounds like a cliché, but I just think life is too short to not enjoy it.) This means removing unnecessary time wasters and focusing on the big needlemovers, which allows more time for the fun stuff.

So one of my biggest focuses for 2023 is to streamline my processes – and to help my clients do the same..

Streamlining your business processes will help to get more bookings. Here is a branding coach doing planning.

Inefficient marketing processes are holding you back from doing your job, helping clients and making money

We wear so many hats in our businesses and I sometimes think to myself that I either have time to do my job as a photographer OR do marketing, not both. (Hence the need for streamlining in my case.)

You do the work and if you get stuck along the way, wondering what photos to share, searching for the right photos or taking them yourself is going to have a negative impact, slow you down and keep you from doing your job.

Running a small business can be overwhelming. Having personal brand photos to use on your website and social media can save you time.


How having the right personal brand photos will improve productivity in your business:



You have a folder in your computer filled with on-brand photos with a variety of expressions and stories ready to be dragged and dropped into your marketing materials, IG graphics, webinar graphics and newsletters. They suit your tone of voice because they are tailored to you, your personality and your business. No searching. Just pop them in.


Having your own tailored image library removes the need to go searching for stock photos that capture the right look, feel, colours, energy etc – which, let’s be honest, can be really tricky (and less effective) because… well, they’re not you.


The photos actually give you ideas for content. (Because we’ve captured your personality, your stories, your tools and spaces and a range of expressions that suit different types of posts depending on the content, your mood or what your audience needs right now.)

“The photos from our last session are sooo good. It’s so easy to come up with content (I start from the photos) and that must really mean that you captured exactly what I need! It hit me this morning when I was trying to write a post. I had no inspiration but scrolled through the photos, and BAM, then I knew!” – Translated from a beautiful message from one of my yearly subscription clients, Erica Eklund.


No more wondering what kind of photos you need, getting everything set up, taking the photos (and retaking them over and over again because they’re not quite right). (Some people do this really well, and if you love taking your own photos, don’t stop. But for me it’s just frustrating, exhausting and irritating and handing over the camera to someone else means I can relax and be myself.)


This one might surprise you the most.

You know the kind of clients you love working with? Those usually start with the inquiry and booking phase going smoothly because they know you’re the right person to solve their problem, they trust you and are prepared to pay your prices (because there’s no doubt about the results you’ll achieve together). And you just click. You feel energised, excited and inspired.

Have you ever noticed what happens when you’re not quite a good match?

These clients usually cost you time because you end up stressing out, overpreparing and redoing things because your expectations don’t quite match. (And chances are you have to spend time justifying your prices and dealing with haggling.)

When you share photos that feel like YOU, that represent the quality of your brand and resonate with the right kind of people, you get inquiries from the types of clients you love working with (and those who aren’t a good fit will find another person who is just right for them).

(A hidden bonus is that your dream clients will also lead to recommendations after they go and rave about you and your great work (which means less time spent on marketing and trying to reach new clients).

The right personal brand photos can help to show your personality and make content creation more effective. This is a life coach writing in a journal.

My aim for my photo sessions

When you have on-brand photos in a folder on your computer, it’s so much easier to streamline your processes and get your message in front of more of the right people.

Besides feeling amazing and having photos that you feel proud to share, I want to save you time so that you can focus on doing your job – where you’ll be able to make a difference to your clients and make money.

Curious about what I mean by ‘the right photos’ for your personal brand?

You’ll find a lot of helpful resources here that you can download for free.

(Spoiler alert: There’s no right or wrong answer. Your photos should feel like you and your brand.)

If you think I might be the right photographer for you, have a look at the different packages I offer and get in touch.